Body Movements

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A Hand Holding The Chin

A Hand Holding The Chin represent listening and concentraion, and maybe even some criticism.

A Hand Holding The Chin

Leaning Forward On A Chair

Sitting on the edge of a chair is usually a sign of impatience.

Leaning Forward On A Chair

Leaning Towards The Knees

A sitting position of Leaning Towards The Knees, signifies resistance and even challenging the other person and trying to provoke him.

Leaning Towards The Knees

Direction Of The Eyes

Direction Of The Eyes, in relation to body language, can represent different feelings, thoughts, lies, intimacy, openness etc.

Looking Directions

Holding The Upper Arm

Holding The Upper Arm is typical of people with an authoritative personality.

Holding The Upper Arm

Holding The Wrist

Holding The Wrist is typical of authoritative people: cops, army officers, managers etc.

Holding The Wrist

Blocking The Entire Body With A Part Of The Body

Blocking The Entire Body With A Part Of The Body, or other body movements and body language of a withdrawn body, is often typical of people who tend to be defensive.

Blocking The Entire Body With A Part Of The Body

Leaning Forward With Crossed Arms

When a man is Leaning Forward With Crossed Arms, this body movement signifies the end of a meeting or a conversation.

Leaning Forward With Crossed Arms

Body Movement Typical of Hearing Impairments

Often people talk with people with hearing impairments or even deaf people.

Body Movement Typical of Hearing Impairments

Hands On The Waist

Hands On The Waist is a body movement that is an attempt to get attention.

Hands On The Waist

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