Standing Positions

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Walking With Big Steps

Walking With Big Steps, in contrast to walking with small steps, is typical of people with confidence who are sure in their way of thinking.

Walking With Big Steps

Holding The Head Up And Exposing The Throat

Holding the head up and exposing the neck are body movements that signify arrogance and snoberry.

Head Tilting And Neck Exposure

Holding The Arms While The Are Crossed

When you see a women who stands in front of you and holds her hands tightly, it usually means she is showing a lack of interest in her enviroment.

Strongly Holding The Upper Arms

Hands In Pockets

Hands In Pockets represents a neutral body language. when there are Hands In Pockets, sometimes it means the person is indifferent or has no opinion of the situation.

Hands In Pockets

Body Language Of Walking And Standing

Body language of walking and standing is a body language we use constantly. 


Blocking The Body With The Arm

This body movement, of Blocking The Body With The Arm, helps us increase our confidence and display it.


Crossing The Legs

Crossing The Legs means objection and resistance, and even an attempt to control emotionl states such as sadness, anger, fear or any other extreme emotion.

Crossing And Locking The Legs

Crossing Legs While Standing

Crossing Legs While Standing is a body movement that is more common among women.

Crossing Legs While Standing

Holding The Wrist

Holding The Wrist is typical of authoritative people: cops, army officers, managers etc.

Holding The Wrist

Blocking The Entire Body With A Part Of The Body

Blocking The Entire Body With A Part Of The Body, or other body movements and body language of a withdrawn body, is often typical of people who tend to be defensive.

Blocking The Entire Body With A Part Of The Body

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