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Projecting Confidence Through A Relaxed Sitting Posture

Projecting Confidence Through A Relaxed Sitting Posture allows you to appear attractive in front of other people.

Projecting Confidence Through A Relaxed Sitting Posture

Drawing The Fingers Near Or Linking Them

If you are on a romantic date, and the girl in front of you is Drawing The Fingers Near Or Linking Them, you should know that even she is actively listening to you

קירוב או הצמדת קצות האצבעות - תנועות ידים

Objects For Establishing Physical Contact

In the following picture you can see a woman who is taking interest in the man's ring.

Using Objects To Create Physical Contact

Offering An Object Or Service For Getting Familiar

Offering An Object Or Service For Getting Familiar or getting to know other people.

Offering An Object Or Service For Getting Familiar

Whispering In The Ear

Whispering In The Ear creates intimacy between people. very often this body movement represents two people getting more intimate with each other.

Whispering In The Ear

Personal Space Between Strangers And How To Get Closer

You can utilize a common denominator to get closer to people and start a conversation.

Personal Space Between Strangers And How To Get Closer

Open Palms

Open Palms represent honesty and openness. most people cannot tell a lie with Open Palms in front of a person.

Open Palms

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