Dressing Styles and Public Appearance

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Body Language Of Men

Men and women have different ways of expressing body language. So how can we know the body language of men? In the same way. The signs are the ones that are slightly different.


Accessories For a Better Physical Appearance

Accessories For a Better Physical Appearance are sometimes needed for people who go on romantic dates.

Items For A Better Physical Apperance

Holding The Arms While The Are Crossed

When you see a women who stands in front of you and holds her hands tightly, it usually means she is showing a lack of interest in her enviroment.

Strongly Holding The Upper Arms

Hands In Pockets

Hands In Pockets represents a neutral body language. when there are Hands In Pockets, sometimes it means the person is indifferent or has no opinion of the situation.

Hands In Pockets

Tapping The Head Or The Forehead

Tapping the head or the forehead are body movements of a person who understands he has made a mistake.

Tapping The Head Or The Forehead

Dressing Styles

How do you dress? are you creative, or maybe conservative in your dressing style? dressing styles have always been a major way to attract other people's attention.


Body Language Of Walking And Standing

Body language of walking and standing is a body language we use constantly. 


Getting Attention With Body Language

Getting Attention With Body Language is a technique that might help you make other people notice you and be interested in you.

Getting Attention With Body Language

Creating Sexual Attraction With Different Accessories

In the following picture you can see a woman checking out a man, maybe because of a fashion item to create attraction between people.

Creating Sexual Attraction With Different Items

Dropped Shoulder Suspender As a Provocative Act

A woman's dropped shoulder suspender might understood as an erotic statement, as is she is ready to take her clothes off.

Loose Shoulder Suspender

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