Self Touching

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Rubbing The Neck

Rubbing the neck, according to body language experts, is a sign of someone being angry or frustrated about something that was said during a conversation, a fight,

Rubbing and Touching The Neck

Holding The Arms While The Are Crossed

When you see a women who stands in front of you and holds her hands tightly, it usually means she is showing a lack of interest in her enviroment.

Strongly Holding The Upper Arms

Head And Neck Movements

By observing different Head And Neck Movements, we can notice different feelings experiened by people. for example, if someone is holding his head, he is probably a little nervous.


Tapping The Head Or The Forehead

Tapping the head or the forehead are body movements of a person who understands he has made a mistake.

Tapping The Head Or The Forehead

Pulling The Collar

Pulling The Collar signifies an emotional tension, discomfort and often it is a sign of telling a lie.

Pulling The Collar - Body Movement Of lying

Hands On The Chest

Hands On The Chest represents real intentions.

This kind of hand movement on the chest means honesty and integrity.

Hands On The Chest

Touching The Nasal Bridge

Touching The Nasal Bridge, in particular when done often, might suggest a person is tired or nervous.

Touching The Nasal Brdidge - Facial Expressions

Looking For A Contact Point Between The Fingertips

Looking For A Contact Point Between The Fingertips is a body movement that represents an intention to look for points.

Searching For A Contact Point Between The Fingertips

Touching The Forehead

Touching The Forehead is a body movement that is intended to get the arouse a mental process.

Touching The Forehead - Facial Expressions

A Woman Hiding Her Mouth

When you see A Woman Hiding Her Mouth, you should begin suspecting.

A Woman Hiding Her Mouth

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