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Body Language Of Love

When we fall in love, our behavior instantly changes. we blush more, smile more and even change our body language.


Guarding The Neck

Body movement of Guarding The Neck might be typical of a person being defensive.

Protecing The Neck

Hand Wrapping A Hand

A movement of hand wrapping a hand is showing self confidence and satisfaction.

Hand Wrapping A Hand

Sketching And Writing On A Page

Body movement of sketching, writing, or drawing on a paper might seem as an act of boredom or a result of lack of interest.

Sketching And Writing On A Paper

What Is Sign Language?

Sign Language is using body movements, facial expressions and hand movements for nonverbal communication.

Sketching During a Date

When a woman sketches on a napkin during a date, it might suggest that she is not interested in what you have to say.

Sketching During a Date

Open Palms

Open Palms represent honesty and openness. most people cannot tell a lie with Open Palms in front of a person.

Open Palms

Cleaning Dust From Clothes

A woman who is Cleaning Dust From Clothes, or pretendng to remove fibers from her clothes, is not so interested in you or what you are saying.

Cleaning Dust From Clothes

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