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Body Language Of Men

Men and women have different ways of expressing body language. So how can we know the body language of men? In the same way. The signs are the ones that are slightly different.


Rubbing The Nose

Rubbing The Nose symbolizes doubt and suspicion, yet it might even represent a certain inner tension.

Rubbing The Nose - Liars - Body Language Of Liars

Refusal During An Argument

In the follwing picture you can see a body movement of anger, in which the woman is angry at the man, and he is trying to make peace with her.

Refusal During An Argument

Pulling The Collar

Pulling The Collar signifies an emotional tension, discomfort and often it is a sign of telling a lie.

Pulling The Collar - Body Movement Of lying

Locked Fingers And A Direct Staring

Locked Fingers And A Direct Staring represent a doubtful position.

Locked Fingers And A Direct Staring makes you feel like you are being judged..

Locked Fingers And A Direct Staring

Hiding The Mouth

Body movement of Hiding The Mouth, as if not letting to truth out to the open air. this explicit hiding movement can create in other people an impression of distrusts.

Hiding The Mouth

A Woman Hiding Her Mouth

When you see A Woman Hiding Her Mouth, you should begin suspecting.

A Woman Hiding Her Mouth

Rubbing The Eye

Rubbing The Eye means discomfort or disagreement with what being said.

Rubbing The Eye

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