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Body Language Of Anger Between Couples

Body Language Of Anger Between Couples. this body movement can often be observed during or after a fight or an argument.

Body Language Of Anger Between Couples

Rubbing The Neck

Rubbing the neck, according to body language experts, is a sign of someone being angry or frustrated about something that was said during a conversation, a fight,

Rubbing and Touching The Neck

A Woman Crossing Her Hands

Crossing hands is a body movement that usually means defensiveness, lack of confidence and negativity.

A Woman Crossing Her Hands

Crossed Fingers

Crossed Fingers signifies a certain level of doubt, criticism and even disagreement. a body movement of locking the fingers tightly is often related to feelings of doubt.

Crossed Fingers

Cleaning Dust From Clothes

A woman who is Cleaning Dust From Clothes, or pretendng to remove fibers from her clothes, is not so interested in you or what you are saying.

Cleaning Dust From Clothes

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