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Interpersonal Communication Course

Interpersonal Communication Course is the best practical gift you can give yourself or other people.

Body Language Of Men

Men and women have different ways of expressing body language. So how can we know the body language of men? In the same way. The signs are the ones that are slightly different.


Accessories For a Better Physical Appearance

Accessories For a Better Physical Appearance are sometimes needed for people who go on romantic dates.

Items For A Better Physical Apperance

Cleaning Or Putting On Glasses

Cleaning the glasses is an indication of an end. usually this movement is made as a sign of ending a conversation, a business meeting, a job interview, a date...

Cleaning Or Putting On Glasses

Doube Handshake Or A Wrapping Hand

A double handshake or a wrapping hand is a warm handshake which is sometimes accompanied by a tap on the shoulder, and is intended to show familiarity and intimacy.

Doube Handshake Or A Wrapping Hand

Rubbing The Hands Slowly

Rubbing The Hands Slowly is a body movement mostly recognized with business or fraud intentions.

Rubbing The Hands Slowly And Thoughtfully

Pulling The Collar

Pulling The Collar signifies an emotional tension, discomfort and often it is a sign of telling a lie.

Pulling The Collar - Body Movement Of lying

A Man Looking Down And Exposing His Neck

When a man exposes his neck, it means you got him interested about something, and that he feels free about they relationship between the two of you. the

A Man Looking Down And Exposing His Neck

The Glove Handshake

The glove handshake is typical of public figures and politicians who want to make an impression of honesty.

Handshake - The Glove

A Manager's Handshake

A handshake of a manager, a boss, a ceo and a diplomat might sometimes be a little arrogant, such as a handshake in which one hand is aboe the other hand

Handshake Of Boss, Manager, Diplomat

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