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Accessories For a Better Physical Appearance

Accessories For a Better Physical Appearance are sometimes needed for people who go on romantic dates.

Items For A Better Physical Apperance

A Woman Crossing Her Hands

Crossing hands is a body movement that usually means defensiveness, lack of confidence and negativity.

A Woman Crossing Her Hands

Courses And Workshops About Body Language

today there are many Courses And Workshops About Body Language.

Playing With a Ring

Certain body movements, such as Playing With a Ring, a cellular phone or coins can represent boredom, nervousness or disrespect.

Physical Attraction - Playing With The Ring

Stroking A Glass

Body movements of stroking objects in general, and stroking a glass in particular, represents a feeling of sexual attraction, and in fact these body movements are intended to creat

Stroking Objects - A Glass Of Wine

Sitting Close

We can observe a body langauge position of sitting close between people everywhere: buses, concerts, coffee shops, cinema, yoga classes etc...

Sitting Close

Body Language Between Men And Women

Everyone has it own body language to express his unique feelings. we behave differently according the the situation, and we give different messages according to our state of mind.

body-anguage between-man and-woman.jpg

A Straight Finger And A Thumb Supporting The Chin

A straight finger represent criticism about what has been said.

Straight Finger And A Thumb Supporting The Chin

Can You Use Body Language To Identify Love And Affection?

Body Language Of Love And Affection

Body language can also reveal feelings and emotions of affection between two people. a person in love will often try to get near as he can to the object of his love.

Protected Neck

When a man protects his neck, it might mean that he is feeling threatened.

Protcted Neck

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