Sexual Attraction

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Projecting Confidence Through A Relaxed Sitting Posture

Projecting Confidence Through A Relaxed Sitting Posture allows you to appear attractive in front of other people.

Projecting Confidence Through A Relaxed Sitting Posture

Body Language Between Men And Women

This sitting position is typical of sexual attraction. taking off a shoe is a phallic symbol, whether consciously or unconsciouly, for a mutual attraction between two people.

Body Language Between Men And Women

Accessories For a Better Physical Appearance

Accessories For a Better Physical Appearance are sometimes needed for people who go on romantic dates.

Items For A Better Physical Apperance

Putting And Taking Off Shoes

When a woman takes off her shoes, it is a pahllic symbol that means she might be interested in the person she is dating, maybe in a pub or a coffee shop...

Putting And Taking Off Shoes

Smoke's Blowing Direction

Blowing the smoke upwards


Playing With The Hair

Playing With The Hair is a common body movement, with which a woman can display herself in a different light.

Playing With The Hair

Playing With a Ring

Certain body movements, such as Playing With a Ring, a cellular phone or coins can represent boredom, nervousness or disrespect.

Physical Attraction - Playing With The Ring

Stroking A Glass

Body movements of stroking objects in general, and stroking a glass in particular, represents a feeling of sexual attraction, and in fact these body movements are intended to creat

Stroking Objects - A Glass Of Wine

Playing With a Straw

Playing With a Straw, or stroking the glass, as well as other body movements of playing with objects on a coffee table, might be phallic s

Playing With A Straw

Objects For Establishing Physical Contact

In the following picture you can see a woman who is taking interest in the man's ring.

Using Objects To Create Physical Contact

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